Optical Illusion and its Functional and Aesthetic Impact on Interior Design )Museums of Mystery in Dubai- Case Study(


Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University, Egypt


The art of optical illusion helps in solving many design problems in architectural interior spaces. The school of cubism, and abstraction are considered the most important schools of art that used the art of optical illusion in architectural designs, However when the designer can use the techniques of that art he can create works in which he deceives the minds of the users of the interior spaces to convey the idea that he wants to convince them. Through his mastery of using optical illusion techniques, the designer can not only create design treatments to improve visual vision in terms of proportions and sizes, but he can also create ideas that do not exist in actual reality and exploit them for specific design purposes, as is the case in the interior design of certain types of museums that rely heavily On optical illusion, so the research question came about the possibility of benefiting from the optical illusion in the interior design, and the research aims to identify the criteria for using the art of optical illusion and benefit from its theories in interior design, and to highlight the role of visual art on contemporary architecture. The importance of the research was to benefit from the theories and technical methods - the art of optical illusion - in the interior design of the architectural spaces. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach of different types of applied models in which the benefit from the art of optical illusion appears.


Main Subjects

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