Analytical Study for the designs of Alvar Aalto


1 Master's researcher - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


This research aims to make an analytical study of the designs of the Finnish designer Alvar Alto in the field of furniture from the perspective of Scandinavian furniture design, as no one was able to present and shed light on a specific vision to bring out the reality of design, such as the designer Alvar Alto. He was distinguished as a sculptor, architect, painter and a Finnish designer who was interested in the minute details in the field of furniture design.
   The research is interested in identifying the most important features of his style, and what are the influences that Alvar Alto grew up in, also what techniques and materials did he use to distinguish himself from the rest of the designers, as he was called in the midst of Scandinavian societies  " the father of contemporary art" .
Through the historical methodology in the research, scientific knowledge of environmental effects and circumstances was reached, especially the cultural environment in which he grew up, which influenced his style that appeared in the distinctive designs and works in the furniture field.
  The descriptive-analytical approach was followed to study the designs and analyze the intellectual foundations by the laws and innovative standards of Alvar Alto were founded. The results indicated that Alvar Alto designs contributed to the development of the Scandinavian furniture industry, especially the Finnish, also the research showed the materials for Alto designs were appropriate with all eras, and this is what distinguished him. Also, his discovery of the latest technologies that he followed in the furniture industry, which made the design of Scandinavian furniture parades a strong competitor in the global markets in the field of the furniture industry.


Main Subjects

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ثالثًا: مواقع شبكة المعلومات الدولية (الإنترنت):