Utilizing 3D Printing Technology to Invent Virtual Designs for Printing Supplements Using a Computer


Lecturer at the Fashion Department - Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Sixth of October


Due to the rapid technological developments and the information revolution in various fields, thoughts and creativity in the field of printing especially 3D printing and manufacturing technology continue, and unfamiliar products will result from this. 3D printing technology continue, and unfamiliar products will result from this.
And 3D printing technology continued to contribute to the performance of many functional tasks in the application fields that touch most life activities in general. Because the performance and functional characteristics with various applications based on the final uses from the selection of materials to the processing method are the keys to the development of new applied art products. Where 3D printing plays an active and vital role in all areas of life, it does not find a field that does not have an impact on it
The research presents how to take advantage of 3D printing techniques to be a future vision for textile printing designers in creating innovative designs and benefiting from it in the field of applied art through making unconventional printing supplements to take advantage of its many properties, including non-flammability, electrical insulation and lifespan. Large. The research combines two targets, first combine textile printing techniques and materials technology like (composite fabrics), which have a great impact in adding some distinct properties and innovative artistic appearance. The second target is to shed light on the three-dimensional fabric as a new source of artistic visions for a designer Textile printing in creating designs for unconventional printing supplements finding aesthetic solutions.


Main Subjects

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