Studying Cloth Masks as One of the Necessary Clothing Accessories in the Light the Spread of Covid-19 Virus


Assistant Professor, Department of Ready-made Garments - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


Wearing protective masks has become mandatory in Egypt and all the world after the outbreak of the Covid - 19 virus. There are many countries in the world that enact decisions to compel people to wear masks, especially in public places, to control the spread of this virus, and several countries have announced penalties of up to 3 years in prison and a large fine in the event of non-compliance with wearing a mask. The cloth mask has become a necessary trend in the fashion world. People are creative in finding ways to wear them in ways that suit their clothes, and fashion lovers think of it as an essential piece of the look and think about its compatibility with the clothes they wear, just as we think about the consistency of the scarf, shoes, and bag with our clothes. Everyone has become attentive to this fashion, especially fashion designers, this appeared with many official celebrities and politicians, for example, we find Queen Elizabeth wearing a cloth mask of the same color as her clothes. In September 2020, Paris hosted the Fashion Week, as usual, and we noticed there were many fashion shows by international fashion designers, every fashion model appeared on the catwalk with elegant masks with luxurious designs that match the displayed costumes. That is why it has become fun to have a muzzle that perfectly matches your clothes, and it is not only the identical colors that have become common in the world of masks, but some designers have gone to prepare masks as attractive as possible. We find embroidery and printing in new innovative forms.
 In this research, we study the different types of protective masks, and an analytical and descriptive study was presented for different designs and uses of cloth masks in terms of different pattern models, the types of fabrics used in their implementation, and many innovative designs that are functionally and aesthetically appropriate, as well as how to take care of them during use. A set of results and recommendations were presented, which have a positive impact in encouraging people to ensure adherence to precautionary measures and to wear a protective cloth mask to reduce the number of infections and contribute to achieving the highest levels of safety in decrease of the spread of the Covid 19 virus


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