Political art between Authenticity and Modernity and its Role in Increasing Political Awareness in the Arab World


Assistant Professor - Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Sixth of October


Over the ages, contemporary plastic art has achieved new data for various contemporary plastic works. This research aims to highlight the different trends of political art and its expressive methods to reach plastic media that contribute to revealing new data that affects the citizen, society and contemporary issues of art in Arab societies. The research contributes to the definition of contemporary art and art styles. contemporary.
Contemporary art is a form of comprehensive renewal of artistic concepts and ways of expressing them, starting from the artist’s view of society. Contemporary art is what can be called art today. It is the art that is still under construction and development. In schools, traditional art under the umbrella of contemporary plastic art that combines development and originality. Have political events affected the events surrounding issues solutions to existing problems Interacting with issues Contemporary artists used visual, audio and kinetic tools


د. مبروكة بوهودي
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