Textile Color and its Effect on some Psychiatric Patients (Applied Study)


Assistant Professor of Textile, Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University


colors is a wonderful thing that makes a person feel desire and life. applying color makes us feel harmonious. Art therapy is one of the most important fields that provide the opportunity to express the person and the feelings and feelings that he is going through, it is one of the ways worthy of attention as it depends on symbols, colors, materials on a regular basis and planned in advance by specialists, to achieve diagnostic and therapeutic purposes for all age groups
Therefore, the research is interested in presenting the effect of fabric color on some psychiatric patients to improve the psychological state and express some feelings in the subconscious mind through meditation on the beauty of colors and their visual perception and their psychological impact and materials using some different techniques
The study aimed to determine the importance of fabric color as an element in the plastic construction of textile works. It also aimed to highlight the values and connotations of colors and their impact on the patient's psychological awareness and venting his emotions and tension as a result of the association of hand tissues with the surrounding environment, and then analyzing his choices for some colors during weaving and reaching what comes to his mind, and the tissue bears tangible. We perceive and savor it, it has a pronounced effect on the human psyche, and it satisfies and enhances human aesthetic, material, moral and psychological needs.


Main Subjects

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