The Role of the Industrial Design System in Establishing a Design Program for the Development of Technology Incubators in Egypt


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design and Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University

2 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Industrial Design Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Assistant Professor and Acting Head of Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University, Damietta


The brand is the focus of the communicative process between the recipient and the institution at any time, place
and through any means of communication to define and distinguish the institution from other competitors. What makes it an effective and influential visual communication element in addressing the recipient and conveying a sufficient aspect of information about the institution through the use of a set of visual elements and innovative plastic relations.
Creative thinking is one of the most appropriate and most important forms of thinking for the brand design process because the brand is a visual communication element that aims to deliver a message in a creative way, whether creativity is in the content of the message idea or the visual treatment of that idea, as it is an effective way to produce a large number of innovative ideas and solutions to design problems.
The study and application of the brand designer's levels, patterns and skills of creative thinking help him determine the way in which he responds to visual stimuli around him and how to read and translate them into his own visual symbols to keep in his mind as a reference and visual inventory that he uses during the design process, which qualifies him to form and develop his own innovative visual culture. The greater the designer's visual output, the more he was able to interact visually with the visual elements and the more he was able to draw inspiration from them to create a brand characterized by originality and innovation.


Main Subjects

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