Using the Philosophy of Folk Proverbs as a Tool for Visual and Creative Thinking in Decorative Pendants Design


Lecturer, Department of Decoration - Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement


The research aims to shed light on the philosophy of popularity proverbs as a cultural heritage and its role in activating the visual and creative thinking of the recipient in designing Mu'allaqat and enabling the mind to convert them into an artistic image. Popularity is due to the ease of its circulation and transmission through generations to deepen it in most aspects of daily life, and proverbs reflect different situations and even go beyond that sometimes to provide them become a byword in many situations and proverbs contribute to the formation of patterns and trends and values of society.
The problem of the research is how to activate the visual thinking of individuals to read and understand popularity proverbs by employing the popular heritage represented in popularity proverbs in a positive way in the design of Mu'allaqat and the possibility of formulating the philosophy of popularity proverbs in the design of Mu'allaqat to get out of the stereotyped space to new creative horizons and visual thinking in the processes of mental activity carried out by the individual in order to obtain permanent solutions. We live in a society full of visual messages, and the experience that a person acquires is a visual experience. A picture is no longer a thousand words, as was said in the ancient Chinese proverb, but rather represents a thousand words. And the images have an impact on the experiences that a person acquires in millions of words. The researcher followed the descriptive and applied approach for its suitability to achieve the research objectives.


Main Subjects

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