Abstraction as an Artistic Trend and its Effectiveness in Logo Design


Design teacher at the Faculty of Specific Education Art Education Department - Tanta University


This research dealt with abstraction as an artistic direction to simplify the organic forms inspired by nature to design the logo for art education students through studying the concept of the logo and its artistic characteristics, studying the philosophical concept of organic abstraction and its connection to the structure of logo design and analyzing the student experiences based on the stages of abstraction and simplification of organic forms, leading to how to design A group of logos developed and proposed from design experiments, and the research problem was summarized in how to find educational approaches for students of art education through abstraction as an artistic direction, which enriches the design of the logo.

The importance of the research lies in shedding light on abstraction as an artistic direction through which a logo of artistic and aesthetic value can be designed for students of art education, and to emphasize the structure of logo design, its characteristics and its artistic foundations.

This research followed the descriptive analytical approach to reach the goal of the research, and one of the most important results of the research was that there is a close link between the abstract and simple formal origins of the elements of the natural elements and the features and characteristics of the logo design. Living (inanimate objects) and working on studying and summarizing it in a way that enriches the design of the logo


Main Subjects

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