Technology of Extended Reality and its Role in Achieving the Environmental Sustainability to Support Startups and the Entrepreneurial System


1 Assistant Professor and Head of the Industrial Design Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Lecturer, Ceramics Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


Considering the current technological development and considering the search of entrepreneurs and innovators for industrial projects commensurate with the limits of capital and available capabilities, and with capital standing as an obstacle to the aspirations of investors and entrepreneurs in the fields of industry and training, the state urged the industry sector, in general, to replace the deficit and shortage in spare parts and production requirements with other local alternatives by taking advantage of some new techniques and technologies to produce local products with high quality, to reduce pressure on foreign currencies, and encourage young people to provide suitable job opportunities them according to their capabilities, experiences.
Therefore, many technologies have appeared on the scene through the research and development sectors (R & D) in various companies and industrial bodies, which support extended reality technologies and their various applications to provide quick and economical solutions to material deficiencies in the fields of industry and training.
This technology is the result of the integration of virtual reality technology and computer-aided planning and design techniques, which had a great impact in shortening the preparation and arrangement steps for the establishment of small and medium-sized industrial projects to achieve the desired environmental sustainability.
In this context, the research seeks to shed light on employing the developed extended reality technologies to support and improve the productivity of the entrepreneurial sector and improve the industrial environment through virtual design and modelling processes (for parts of new products, or a complete product) from the part to be designed. and manufacture it.


Main Subjects

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