Interactive Advertising Design in Light of Modern Technological Development


Assistant Professor, Department of Graphic and Advertising Arts Higher Institute of Applied Arts - 6th of October City


Technology has brought about profound changes in advertising, affecting both consumers and businesses, mainly due to new tools that allow us to learn more about consumers, and to target advertisements to them according to their interests, age, and other factors.
According to a survey conducted by the software company "Adobe", most marketing professionals said that they have seen more change in the past two years than in the past 50 years.
According to one of the Internet experts and head of "Simulmedia" for television advertising, Dave Morgan, the media used to spread previously, in reference to limited spaces, in contrast to the unlimited areas that the Internet currently provides and low prices for advertisements, which made it more difficult to achieve profits than it is outside. The Internet, even for leading digital companies such as Yahoo.
Digital media continues to grow with the support of three important trends: The first is the rise of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, which began after Apple introduced its iPhone in 2007. Currently, 1.7 billion people use smartphones, which represents 20 % of the world's population.
The second trend is the rise of social networks, such as "Facebook", "Twitter" and "Pinterest", which have become a system that people resort to to browse the Internet and search for content. These sites keep valuable information about their users by voluntarily stating themselves and their ideas, they can also track the sites they visit on the Internet and sell information about their interests to advertisers.
The founder of the news and entertainment site BuzzFeed, Jonah Priti, considered that the convergence of the social aspect and mobile devices has formed an audience on the Internet that can be known and reached 100 times larger than what previously existed.
The third trend is leading the development of the real-time advertising bidding system to target consumers quickly and accurately, which is a real-time bidding process that allows publishers, advertisers and intermediaries to purchase digital ads and direct them to relevant consumers very quickly, to appear to them immediately, relying on software interfaces and algorithms for analysis.
These trends have now led to the blurring of lines between media departments. Currently, media companies produce many content for the benefit of advertisers or what is called “native advertising”, while some advertisers employ journalists to produce stories, websites and videos. New technologies are changing the work of traditional advertising agencies. The president of Publicis' advertising group, Maurice Levy, said his company is turning into an Internet company much more than an advertising group.


Main Subjects

  1. أولاً المراجع العربية:

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    5. لیا لیفرو 2016 وسائل الإعلام الجدیدة والناشطة، ترجمة هبة ربیع المرکز القومی للترجمة.
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      الحدیثة فى الإعلانات التلفزیونیة الموجهة للطفل، رسالة ماجستیر غیر منشورة، کلیة الفنون التطبیقیة جامعة حلوان.
    7. حنان سمير عبد العظيم- المعهد العالي للفنون التطبيقية 6 أکتوبر، التصميم والاتصالات المرئية تکاملية الفنون البصرية السمعية بين الإبداع الفني والتقني-المعلومات العلمية للعدد، المجلد 6، العدد 3، يوليو 2019، الصفحة 49-57

    ثانياً المراجع الاجنبية:

    1. Al Seckel: incredible visual illusons Arcturus publishing Limited London 2007.

    ثالثاً المراجع الانترنت:

    4. ttps://