The Problem of Contemporary Poster Design between Realism and Abstraction


1 Emeritus Professor of Cover Design and former Head of the Advertising Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor in the Advertising Department and Acting Head of the Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Research Assistant - Advertising Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The advertising poster is one of the forms of mass communication, which takes place between the advertiser and the poster designer on the one hand, and the target audience on the other. and needs, as well as the culture of the society in which he lives and other factors, and this is the method that would activate the message of the poster. The research problem emerged, which is summarized in the following questions:
When does the advertising designer go to designing the poster in the realistic style? And when does he resort to the abstract method, hence the research that aims to identify the characteristics of the abstract school and the characteristics of the realist school, to employ these traits in the design of the advertising poster to serve the idea of ​​the poster, by monitoring and analyzing a sample of posters Realism and abstraction, and then conducting a questionnaire by taking the opinions of a group of specialists in the field of advertising to reach the results.
The research found:

Acceptance of the first hypothesis, which is to use the realistic method in designing the advertising poster, the language closest to addressing the recipient with limited culture and education.
Acceptance of the second hypothesis. The abstract method in poster design needs to be aware of its features, symbols, and trends, to facilitate identification of the abstract poster and to understand its idea.

• Acceptance of the third hypothesis, which is that employing each method to serve the advertising message and in line with the culture and education of the recipient facilitates the advertising communication process and achieves the desired goal of the poster easily


Main Subjects

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مراجع الصور:
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