Artistic and Aesthetic Treatment of Fabrics with Textile and Dye Defects using Color Pouring Method


Assistant Professor, Department of Clothing and Textiles - Faculty of Home Economics - Al-Azhar University


The textile and clothing industry is considered one of the main pillars of the Egyptian economy, and it is known that the produced fabrics usually contain defects resulting from spinning, weaving, dyeing, etc. And the existence of effective and innovative solutions for how to address these shortcomings.
The pouring method is one of the methods that are subject to spontaneous emotions and feelings as a result of direct interaction with materials and colors, during casting with a conscious will, whether quickly or slowly, while moving the printing surface in several ways.
This is what prompted the researcher to think about the use of the color pouring method in treating some textile and pigment defects, whereby a quantity of glue can be placed with the colored materials used in the pouring, which fills the voids resulting from holes or lack of edges and so on, which works to hide stains and pigment defects in addition to give the material an aesthetic appearance resulting from pouring colors and overlapping them together in multiple ways and methods, and this is also considered an enrichment for the textile industry not to waste raw materials that have textile and dye defects, which works to achieve sustainability and is within the vision of Egypt 2030.
The research was conducted with the aim of shedding light on the technical, aesthetic and plastic capabilities of the color pouring method, and employing the methods of color pouring in its multiple ways to treat some textile and dye defects and add aesthetic value to the fabrics, in addition to identifying the degree of specialists’ acceptance of the appearance of the fabrics after treatment by the method of color pouring, as well as the comparison between the research samples. Before and after processing.
Research Methodology: The research followed the descriptive method and the experimental method, due to its suitability to achieve the research objectives and verify its hypotheses.
The research found that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between samples before and after treatment by pouring method in the tests (weight per square meter - thickness - coefficient of hardness - tensile strength - elongation - appearance) in favor of after treatment, and the possibility of using color pouring method to treat Some textile and pigment defects, as well as the enrichment of its aesthetic and economic value.


Main Subjects

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