Benefiting from the Mandala Drawings and the Diversity of Textile Materials in the Design and Production of Printed Protective Masks that Meet the Aesthetic and Functional Requirements


1 Professor of Textile Composition and Head of the Department of Spinning, Weaving and Tricot - and former Vice Dean of the College for Postgraduate Studies and Research Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of women's textile printing design And former head of the Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Former Head of Design Department at HDTEX - Master of Applied Arts Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


In light of the repercussions of the spread of viruses and the World Health Organization’s recommendation to wear a muzzle to limit the spread of viruses among people, which has made wearing a muzzle an essential piece of our daily appearance, and from here the research problem was determined that wearing protective masks has become the norm in the countries of the world, in light of the outbreak of viruses And the need to cover the nose and mouth from pollutants and keep pace with international fashion trends has become a feature of life. In keeping with international fashion, the research assumes that a high artistic, economic and innovative value can be achieved with a contemporary design vision for the mask printed and inspired by the mandala drawings. The research adopts the experimental and analytical method by creating a mask consisting of two layers, the first one being the outer one printed with transfer printing technology with designs inspired by the art of mandala drawing, and equipped from the outside against bacteria and resistant to wetness and dirt, and making the necessary tests for it, and it is made of 3 woven materials They are (polyester/microfiber - polyester 100% - polyester/cotton) and compare them and analyze the results in terms of (air permeability - resistance to wetness and dirt - anti-bacterial), and the inner and adjoining layer to the nose and mouth of pure woven cotton and the results of the research that designs can be produced Fashionable mandala print mask achieves artistic, aesthetic and functional values.


Main Subjects

  1. أولا: المراجع باللغة العربية

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    ثانيا: المراجع باللغة الانجليزية

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    ثالثا: مواقع شبكة المعلومات الدولية
