The Ways of the Repetition of Decorative Units of Printed Furnishing Fabrics Inspired by Folk Art


1 Professor of women's textile printing design and former head of the Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Bachelor of Applied Arts - Specialization in Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The modern approach to the concept of repetition in the construction of a work of art was not limited to the creation of aesthetic motifs, but included the creation of systems with expressive meanings that carry aesthetic values with diverse rhythms, so studying the pattern of repetition and extension in art and revealing its design value was a means that could be invested in the development of decorative designs of a contemporary character and a good understanding of design theory means that there is always a essence behind the work of art. For the success of the artwork it must be built through the elements and foundations of design, including repetition, which gives a sense of the possibility of infinite growth of decorative units, which is the phenomenon of emphasizing forms, so we tended to benefit from decorative units inspired by folk art rich in lines, colors, shapes, symbols and semantics that shorten the history of an entire nation from traditions and customs Since popular culture with its instinct and originality is a fertile source of plastic arts that can be exploited in the development of contemporary and distinctive designs of furnishing fabrics that play an important role in determining the identity of the space, hence the idea of research that is clarified by the following question, which is how to identify the repetitive patterns and ergonomic scales of furnishing fabrics inspired by folk art?, The research assumes that the use of decorative units of folk art with their artistic and aesthetic value can be adapted to reach contemporary design solutions for furnishing fabrics by identifying their repetitive patterns. One of the most important results was that the use of repetitive patterns created for elements of folk art gives printed upholstery fabrics a distinctive character to suit functional purposes and gives richness in the creation of many designs for printed furnishing fabrics


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    ثالثاً : المواقع الإلكترونية :

    1. 3\4/2022.
    2. 5/4/2022.
    3. 9/4/2022.