The Design Foundations of the Interior Spaces for Disabled People (Physical Disabilities) in The Hotel Buildings


Lecturer in the Department of Decoration, College of Arts and Design


Integrating people with special needs in society in all institutions at the international and local levels has become obligatory.
In this research, we will learn about the design bases of the interior spaces of tourist hotels for people with special needs (physical disabilities. There are many problems that the research is exposed to, including the need for the architectural designer to realize how to provide the requirements of people with special needs, this research aims to put design considerations to create a favorable environment for them to adapt within the tourist hotels. This research follows the descriptive analytical approach, where the design foundations for people with physical disabilities will be described and analyzed, their importance and methods of application in tourist hotels.
The research concludes with methods of integrating people with physical disabilities into the surrounding community, leading to the extraction and presentation of results, the most important of which is the ease of integrating people with physical disabilities in tourist hotels.


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