Structural and aesthetic role of Line in arts development and its impact on artwork in the modern era


Lecturer in the department of Decoration- Higher Institute of Applied Arts New Cairo Academy. N.C.A


The line has played a major role throughout the ages. Beginning with the emergence of life, the man began to express his feelings towards nature by drawing a set of lines through which he expressed himself and his feelings, whether it was awe, fear, or love towards nature.
Many artists throughout the ages consider calligraphy the basis of all arts. Expression by calligraphy was at the beginning of man expressing his innermost feelings and emotions, so his lines came to be characterized by, spontaneity and instinct on the walls of caves.
Nature enjoys diversity in the forms of lines that the artist can feel through his feelings. In nature, the role of the line appears in the bends of plants, the bodies of animals, and the movement of water, waves, and clouds, which prompted artists through different schools of art to study the line and its diversity of methods of expression according to the artist’s study, his life, and his environment. And artistic personalities, such as Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh, Omar Al-Najdi, and Matisse, used many methods for the forms of lines in their art, so they created. Therefore, the designer must pay attention to the line and recognize its importance and characteristics in the artistic formation throughout the ages and art schools.


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