Mural painting and its role in designing a visual identity as an introduction to the development of creative thinking in modern society


Lecturer in the department of Decoration- Higher Institute of Applied Arts New Cairo Academy. N.C.A


Human progress and development must be based on cultural and intellectual references that, in turn, reflect human civilization and the nature of political and cognitive life. Therefore, the designer must absorb the artistic and intellectual connotations of civilization, which are reflected in society culturally and intellectually. The art of mural painting is considered one of the arts of great importance, as it is one of the most important arts that express the orientations and spirit of society in the light of revolutions, technological and intellectual progress, and the development of wall materials. The painting made the mural close to the simple person as it affects his feelings and life in the past and present.
The materials used in wall painting have evolved over the ages, as they had a great role in enriching the expressive and executive side of the artist, such as (tempera - fresco - oil colors - mosaic - graffiti ...)
The concept of wall painting differed from ancient times until our modern era in terms of style, materials, and thought. When the mural went through important stages that affected its development throughout history, and with the progress and development of technology in the field of mural materials, artists must take advantage of these different techniques to come out to society with mural designs that change society and its orientation. Thinking, art builds nations.


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