Dynamic design elements in printed textile hanging.


1 Teaching assistant Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Professor of women's textile printing design Head of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University - Previous


The research examined the art of optical deception, motor art, Lumia art and how to integrate them into the development of dynamic artistic designs of printed textile pendants, and how to give a new visual vision that combines optical art, motor art and Lumia art to achieve a kinetic effect in the design of textile pendant printing. The research aims to shed light on studies and research on the dynamics of artistic design through visual, motor and Lumia art, which did not have much luck in academic research in general and textile printing research in comparison to the abundant research on ancient Egyptian civilizations arts to bring new visual excitement to the world of design.
This research found that Lumia art is no longer limited to using only light and music, but is able to relate to works of art, including printed textile designs to promote the idea of synthesis of weaving material in their colors and design with light and music. The printed textile commentator is able to keep abreast of evolution and shift from a mere two-dimensional artwork to a three-dimensional artwork that achieves a time dimension and creates new artworks through a unique work experience between the textile printer and the lighting designer to come up with new artistic ideas that excite the viewer artistically. And that kinetic art is the art of design that goes to the sighted eye and the intervening hand and the regular interactive user without failing to guide, achieving a kinetic effect often requires collective action by a full team. The more the designer encounters issues and problems that go far beyond pure individual boundaries and become more integrated into social reality, Motor design is a means of improving the way existing products perform their different functions Where movement is an innovative way to add new value or provide a new aesthetic dimension as adding motion to design is an invaluable tool to generate and improve ideas, It is a good way to innovate and develop completely new design concepts and markets. Hence, recommendations are made in the need to raise the status of the printed weaving commentator by adding and integrating a lot of modern technical techniques, as well as incorporating appropriate modern science and breaking the constraints of traditional traditional technical techniques to enhance the position of the printed weaving commentator in the mind and impression of the viewer.


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