Effects of Textile Dyeing, printing & Finishing Harmful substances on Human Health & risk assessment of other hazards



Department of Fashion and Textile Design - College of Design and Arts - University of Tabuk - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Textile industries in order to give finished fabrics it undergoes several process in dyeing process. The dyeing process is the most hazards process among all the textile industry processes. The hazards are caused due to the chemicals used in dyeing processes.
Chemicals used in dyeing process rather than dyes are the most hazardous materials in this process, some hazards lead to severe effects on workers when they exposed continuously to their effects, as well as these chemicals may lead to fire if they not stored properly.
Dyes are further classified in to several other classes of dyes, each dye have its own hazards based on the different chemicals used in the dyeing processes. Some of these are very hazards chemicals include potassium dichromate, alkyl amine, etc...,Thus its very important to know the various hazards of these chemicals that we are exposed to due to dyeing process as well hazards that is caused due to usage of substrate that are dyed using highly toxic materials.
key words
OHS, Dyeing process, Textile industry, Hazards, disperse dyes, MSDS , levelling agents
Boundaries: the research conducted during March -April 2022, on one of Dyeing, finishing & printing facilities in Egypt.


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