Design Criteria for the Hygienic Furniture .



1 Professor of Design Basics, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Master’s researcher in the Department of Interior and Furniture Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Lecturer in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


         Recently, interest in applying health standards in all fields has become vital, especially after the Corona pandemic. Research and studies continued on ways to reduce the spread of infection and protect human health. Therefore, it is necessary to study the built environment in which a person lives and deals with its components repeatedly and directly, especially furniture.
This research includes the concept of “Furniture hygiene” and its relation to human health by studying of hygienic design criteria for furniture and the selection of hygienic materials of sustainable green nature, nanotechnological materials, and the developments of modern technology. This is done by monitoring and analyzing the common design defects that cause the growth of germs and the spread of infection on the surfaces of furniture pieces. Modern technology has a role in creating new materials that are used in the manufacture of “Furniture hygiene”, which includes the health aspect in the furniture industry along with the functional and aesthetic aspects. And the conclusion of new design standards that can be applied in the design of hygienic furniture used in public places with dense gatherings, for example, government facilities, malls, universities, airports, and care homes.

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