"Using Parametric Design in Designing Sculpture Works for Landscaping Public Sites"



1 Assistant Professor in the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Lecturer in the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Teaching assistant in the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


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Research Summary
Parametric design is one of the results of digital technology, the new trend of development as a result of the massive use of technology, as it is based on a number of variables that form with each other, reference is made to the initial elements that make up the design, easy to modify or change. Modernity goes beyond the old traditional ways of production. Forming, manufacturing and implementation. Hence the idea of ​​the research, where the problem of the research lies in this question: How can the parametric trend be used in designing sculptural works for Landscape. The research aims to try to reach a creative system of formation by parametric design in the field of design and benefit from parametric design with its richness and diversity in the arts and try to find and innovate designs for sculptural works landscape. The importance of the research is due to an attempt to understand the characteristics and methodology of parametric design, and this is achieved by describing and studying some works and highlighting the role of the sculptor in producing sculptural works using parametric design. The research assumes that the study of the characteristics of the parametric design helps the designer-sculptor to find new and innovative ideas in designing sculptural units in landscapes, and the research methodology relies on the descriptive approach.
Parametric design is a modern system that appeared in interior and exterior architectural design. It works by entering a lot of information that has been specified for the model to be created through technology and computers. It is a style that combines sculpture and architecture. Therefore, the designer-sculptor needs to focus on studying the characteristics and methods of parametric design, the principles and foundations on which it is based, and using them in developing architectural formations of all kinds, and thus promoting creative thinking in the design process, The subject of the study here is the design and coordination of open public spaces by focusing on the production of designs based on parametric design thinking, using the theories of inspiration from nature as the first source of design processes due to its abundance of natural forms and formations, plant and animal organisms, and even humanity. This comes through a careful study of what is going on in nature as the first source of innovation, and by studying the characteristics of parametric design and the elements of coordinating open spaces, sculpture can be employed in this field and provide new thought that contributes to the development of the sculptural creativity process in the Arab Republic of Egypt due to the scarcity of parametric sculptural formations in places landscape
Key words
Parametric orientation - sculpture -– landscaping
