“Outdoor Furniture Between Dynamism and Nanotechnology in The Egyptian Environment”



1 Master's degree in Interior and Furniture Design Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of Interior Design Fundamentals and Director of the Furniture Technology Design Program Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Doctor, Lecturer, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


This research study aims to analyze and address the designs of outdoor furniture through the concept of dynamism in design and how nanotechnology can improve this furniture, and outdoor furniture is no less important than indoor furniture, but rather needs more in-depth studies regarding design and treatments, as this type of furniture is in a state of exposure It is durable to weather factors, so it must be treated to withstand all different weather factors, as it is treated with nanomaterials that improve its properties and give it new qualities by integrating nanomaterials in the manufacture of materials complementary to furniture or through nanoprocessing of existing materials such as coatings and sprays, so that they become resistant to all Different weather factors, so outdoor furniture requires strict standards when designing and manufacturing to ensure quality, comfort and attractive shape, and the development of furniture as a result of technological progress that led to continuous thinking in finding unconventional design solutions to many problems facing designers, and furniture design moved from static to dynamic and changing The concept and shape of furniture units and the diversity of its design methods, and it has become from being fixed furniture that performs a specific purpose or function to removable furniture For movement, development, and change from one form to another, and from one function to another, which is what is known as dynamic furniture, which is characterized by its multiplicity of forms and types to suit the space in its various forms. There are principles that distinguish dynamic furniture, which are its ability to move, flexibility, expansion, and repetition. A state of change and reduces monotony and boredom due to its changing designs, and the main goal is to solve the problem of small spaces, make good use of the space and reduce the cost in terms of using a piece of furniture to perform more than one function instead of using multiple pieces of furniture, and it fits with the changing spaces over time, and is more appropriate For the user so that it provides him with the maximum amount of comfort and luxury and access to the highest standards of utilitarian values in line with technological progress and the development of the times.
