Analytical study of the golden ratio in the architecture of the pyramids of Giza


1 Professor of Interior Design Theories, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University - fully loaned to the Faculty of Applied Arts - Russian University

2 Professor of Environmental Design and Head of the Department of Interior and Furniture Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University

3 Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University - Department of Interior and Furniture Design

4 Master's researcher in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Abstract :
The golden ratio or the golden number 1.618 is a simple number in its form and at first glance it is a very ordinary number, but in fact it is considered one of the most controversial numbers throughout history. It is a creative work, and in pursuit of a permanent measure of aesthetics, man discovered that this ratio is present in everything around him in nature to an astonishing degree, even living beings, as it appeared in the architecture and arts of many ancient civilizations.
This research discusses the concept of the golden ratio and how the ancient Egyptian benefited from it in the architecture of the pyramids by studying and analyzing the design of the pyramids, their distribution, and their locations to benefit from them in contemporary interior design to achieve comfort and relaxation for humans. Is it aesthetic only, or does it have a role and function that can be exploited and employed in interior design? The research aims to reach standards and determinants to benefit from studying the concept of the golden ratio and its relationship to the ancient Egyptian civilization to reach balance and comfort for man, in addition to applying models and proportions of his designs using the golden ratio in contemporary interior design. The ancient Egyptian civilization, especially in the pyramids of Giza, which can be used in interior design and modern furniture.


  • المراجع

    المراجع العربية

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    ثالثا: المواقع الإلكترونية