The Effect of Applying the Geometry in Multi-function Dynamic Furniture Design


1 Professor in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Master's researcher in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Lecturer in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Abstract :
The geometry plays an essential role in the furniture design and the formation of its aesthetic standards by relying on geometric proportions, which are considered a powerful design tool, as they are characterized by high accuracy in formulating the vocabulary of patterns, so that geometric proportions are the language of patterns in general. By analyzing the engineering system of furniture, we will find that it is the result of geometric movements and mathematical rules. The rules of geometry in furniture design are achieved by coordinating the basic proportion of the design width, length and height so that the design also achieves the functional aspects. Dynamism is a term that has multiple meanings, including activity, movement, growth, continuity, and others. Dynamism includes movement through time, so movement here may occur objectively in the visual field or occur mentally. Realistic dynamism is achieved through the movement of some parts and elements of the furniture, whether the purpose of the movement is a transformation in the external shape of the piece or a change in function. The suggestive dynamism is achieved through perception, as it is produced in the order of design lines, elements, basic shapes and levels, and this gives the sense of realizing a suggestive dynamism. The dynamism in furniture is achieved by the movement of a part of the furniture, so it transforms from a form that achieves a function to a new form that achieves a new purpose or more and achieves the needs of the user, and the movement here depends on the mechanism used in the furniture design. Where the research problem lies in how to use the rules of geometry in the application of dynamism in the design of contemporary multifunctional furniture, and therefore the research aims to analyze and extract the rules of geometry and its use in furniture design, and to study the applications of different types of dynamism in furniture design, the study of structural, functional, Environmental and aesthetic values results from applying the rules of geometry to the dynamic design, multi-function furniture. The research has reached results that the combination between the application of the rules of geometry and dynamic design achieves ideal proportions and relationships for the design of dynamic multi-functional furniture, and the realization of the structural, functional, environmental and aesthetic values resulting from the application of the rules of geometry to the design of dynamic multi-functional furniture.


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