"Designing Contemporary Clothes for Short People Using Anthropometric "


1 Assistant Professor in the Department of Clothing and Fashion Technology, Faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University

2 Teaching assistant at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts in 6th of October, Department of Clothing and Fashion


The multiplicity of life problems for fashion designers are many, as they affect all aspects of human factors that affect fashion design, so it was necessary to find solutions to these problems that are commensurate with the nature of technological progress, and it is never a shame that the girl is short in stature, but we designers must find solutions Design for these categories in proportion to the nature of these bodies and be linked to international fashion trends, as these categories show the presence of physical problems with them, which makes it difficult to unify these patterns, whether in terms of design or through drawing flat geometric models, and this research paper presents the integration of these categories with society not from During work, but through clothes, so the research paper is based on designing contemporary clothes that are suitable for short stature, after studying the anthropometric dimensions (the science of anthropometry), where the research problem appears in the inappropriateness of traditional clothes available in the markets for dwarfed girls, and since the effect of the difference is not limited to Physical difference only, but includes psychological and social consequences for them, so the study deserves to study their clothing requirements and direct care towards them in order to adapt the clothing in a way that satisfies their special needs. The research gives importance to these categories by creating contemporary designs for dwarfed girls that suit their physical dimensions, to fulfill the functional and aesthetic purpose for them


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