The iconic signs in the design of posters (Analy


Lecturer in the Department of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The research is concerned with the role of the iconic indicative sign in designing posters as a communication tool of great importance because of its role in delivering the message addressed to the various segments of society without discrimination, as it is used by agencies and institutions to facilitate the communication process due to its clear role in guidance, by relying on the iconic indicative sign and its semantic expressive power - In light of the artistic and light value of color - it is an eloquent visual language and the embodiment of the designer's skills, by showing shapes and symbols that transfer the design vocabulary to a new formulation that symbolizes a content far from the original from which it was developed, which gives formal or color connotations or both.  The researcher hopes that the current study will contribute to explaining the structure of symbols, their implications and their role in designing posters that are based on the iconic indicative signs.The research aims to identify the design structure of posters based on the symbol and its connotations. The research will deal with the symbol and its interpretive status. It also includes an explanation of the difference between the symbol, the indicative sign and the sign..                                                   



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