The Rebranding between stability and change from the recipient perspective



Lecturer - Advertising Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Study was summarized in shedding light on rebranding process, which has spread in recent years, and most organizations have tended to change their brand, either in whole or in part, to keep pace with modern design trends and increase the impact on recipients as well as potential recipients, but on the other hand, rebranding may confuse recipients, especially when the recipient does not recognize the new brand.
The problem lies in the following questions: What is the effect of changing brand on recipient loyalty, and when can it be changed without harming it? And what are the problems that may face changing it and overcoming it? Assuming that there are special criteria before rebranding to ensure its success, aiming to identify the criteria for changing brand in a way that does not harm or affect the recipient loyalty, the importance is that there are many brands of famous companies that have changed suddenly without booting. The methodology is based on descriptive approach of changed brands in recent period and statistical approach using a closed questionnaire. The results indicated that rebranding is an organized process requires special criteria to ensure its success and the continuous loyalty of the recipient, it is not necessary to change all brands, and designer must take into account the brand identity and it’s mental image, recommending encouraging rebranding in line with modern design trends and in a way that does not harm the brand, paying attention to the recipients opinions and their emotional attachment to brand.


  1. المراجع

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    ثالثاً: مواقع الإنترنت:

    1. 12-4-2023
    3. 12-4-2023
    4. 12-4-2023
    5. 12-4-2023
    6. 15-4-2023 15-4-2023