The impact of Using Artificial Intelligence Technology on Advertising Industry.



1 Master's degree researcher - Department of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor in the Department of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The world witnessed a revolution in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), whose effects appeared in most areas of life, including the scientific and technical fields and even the humanities. Smart phones and continuous televisions are the best proof of this. Significant advancements in technological innovation have resulted in the transformation of numerous manual tasks and processes that had existed for decades, to the point where artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are widely used in advertising to increase efficiency and meet market demand. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computers becoming more capable of fulfilling particular jobs and activities presently done by people in the workplace and across society.
The purpose of the research is to determine the effect of artificial intelligence on advertising campaigns, how the future of advertising industry will be, and the extent of the impact of advertising campaigns implemented using artificial intelligence on the consumer, determine his behavior, and convey the advertising message.
Methodology/approach: The research follows the descriptive approach to identify and investigate the artificial intelligence techniques that the advertiser can employ in advertising campaigns and their impact on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
Then followed by analytical method to investigate the influence of using AI on advertising design in addition to a survey that was conducted with people who are specialists and scholars in the field of advertising design in order to understand the effect of the phenomenon on the field, and how the future of advertising will be, and the extent of its impact on advertising designers.
Findings: The use of artificial intelligence as a technical tool opens the way for the designer to creativity and saves time and effort while continuing to produce high-quality results and reduces the error rate without canceling the value of the designer, as artificial intelligence applications can be greatly benefited through its ability to quickly analyze huge amounts of data and generate ideas new. Artificial intelligence technology improves dealing with customers and this leads to attracting customers renew and retain existing clients. It provides a way to deal with this huge amount of information, and also provides a way to increase demand for products and services faced by companies, and this led to mutual benefit between companies and customers because of the speed of communication and service delivery.
Originality/value Investigation of the effect of using AI on advertising design to set criteria of using this technology as it is still in development stage.


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