"The Concepts of Proxemics and Their Impact on Interior Design."



1 In the doctoral stage, Department of Interior and Furniture Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of Art History - Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design - Pharos University

3 Professor of Interior Design Theories, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University



 In recent years, the world has faced a global crisis in the form of the emergence of the new Corona virus, and the number of infections has increased in a short time. The health facilities provided by the most advanced countries in the world were unable to control this crisis, which required us to pay parallel attention to the details of our internal spaces and our workspaces.
As designers in the field of interior design, we had to understand the serious directives imposed by this pandemic to defend the climate and the environment and combat pollution, and to start looking for concepts in the human sciences to formulate an internal space that is more focused on personal safety and taking into account that the internal spaces become more flexible and diverse, while taking into account the design elements that can provide physical distancing and personal safety, but also provide natural interaction with everyday objects.
Among these sciences is the science of interpersonal relations (proxemics), which is the science that studies the distances between humans, and how these distances affect their behavior and feelings. For example, it takes into account advanced basics for studying the elements of interior and exterior design (floors, walls, lighting, ventilation), and determining the number of people who inhabit one interior space. This is done by taking into account these principles and standards so that we can create comfortable and interesting spaces for people to reach new and innovative design ideas to contain the infected and protect their families while adhering to the application of home isolation.
Hence, the research problem lies in the lack of studies and research on the application of the concept of proxemics in the formulation of the internal space despite the old term. The research aims to review the concept of proxemics in the past and the impact of the application of the concept of proxemics in the formulation of the internal space. It also includes the importance of research in the need to understand the language of the internal space and reuse it by applying the concept of proxemics.


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    مواقع شبكة المعلومات الدولية (الانترنت) :

    1. Source Electronic Article about :“ Proxemics”,Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxemics last accessed : 10 March, 2021 .
    2. Source Electronic Article about :“ Proxemics Distances in proximal system for Edward”,Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Personal_Space.svg, last accessed at 1Dece,2022 .الهوامش:

    (*) لفظ متحول من بركسيمكس بالإنجليزية وهو لفظ منحوت من بركسيميتي أي القرب واللاحقة إيمكس المأخوذة من فونيمكس  ("حرفيات"؛ من فونيم، باليونانية فونيما ["حرف"، من فوني "صوتوما علامة اسم المفعول]، واللاحقة إكس جمع إيك علامة النسب, وسمي بمبحث التداني والبونية والتقريبية.

    [Source: https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/