An analytical study of one from designer Ismail Awwad’s works as an experience to root identity in furniture works



1 Master's degree in Interior Design and Furniture Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of Interior Design Theories, Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University and fully seconded to the Faculty of Applied Arts - Russian University

3 Professor of Furniture Design Department of Interior Design and Furniture-Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University



Abstract :
               Since the identity philosophically is the reality of the thing or the person that distinguishes it from others, and thus we can say that the identity of the designer is the cognitive and intellectual production organized for him through the elements and vocabulary of creativity. Which bears the distinctive features of the culture of a society as the intellectual outcome of the interaction of the fields of culture, character and heritage, The model of the seven chairs designed by designer Ismail Awwad is one of the unique experiences that helped shape the Egyptian identity and the subjectivity of the designer’s thought, which was greatly affected by the conditions of his upbringing and the heritage of his country. The idea of ​​this research is based on studying and analyzing one of the works of the designer Ismail Awad to find out his design philosophy in designing furniture inspired by heritage. The problem of the research is the need of the design community in the field of furniture to study and experience the designers who continue to establish their identity. The problem of the research can be defined in several questions. .. What is identity, how does it affect the designer, and how is this reflected in the design? , The research assumes that modernity lies in rooting identity in furniture design with contemporary thinking. The research also aims to analyze the self-vision of the designer Ismail Awad as one of the pioneers of furniture design in Egypt seeking to establish identity so that it becomes of influential value in generations of designers by studying one of Awad’s works with the aim of finding the relationship between identity and the designer and how this is reflected in the design by conducting descriptive and analytical studies of the model. From the designer's work, The importance of the research lies in shedding light on the importance of rooting identity in the furniture business, reviving the works of the pioneers, learning about their philosophy in designing furniture inspired by heritage, and benefiting from the philosophy of the pioneers in designing furniture inspired by heritage to develop contemporary designs that enable us to revive heritage,  The most important results of the research are that the designer has an important role in creating harmony between the past and the future to arrive at designs that express the culture between the past and the present alike with simple symbolic formations that express the developed identity of both time and place, and this appears through the influence of the designer Ismail Awad in his furniture works. With its rich Egyptian heritage and strong identity; Therefore, it was distinguished by a unique and distinctive personality, and the designer Ismail Awad, while creating harmony between the past and the present in designing furniture, relied on abstraction and reduction and took them as his approach.


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