Use thermal enamel to treat the appearance erosion of architectural Coastal facaes and to Increase their aesthetic value



Architecture Division -Metal Industries Division - College of Education


The problem of the erosion and erosion of coastal architectural façades is one of the most
common problems faced by architects and real estate owners alike.
Many research and studies that have addressed a Great in the field of architecture
ways to treat this problem and how to overcome them , Where it created many
solutions , E is not that these solutions are not radical solutions to the problem or
definitive temporary solutions grew and soon the problem appears again after abrief period.
Therefore , the researcher believes that it is important to search for a solution
ablation irrigation permanent cure for this problem can achieve success at both the functional
and aesthetic, and through which to maintain the luster and beauty of those All points
for the longest possible period of time, as well as e addition of new artistic
touches and innovative designs increase The aesthetic value of those facades.
This can be accomplished by cladding the facades of the facades with sheets or slabs of sheet
covered with a layer of thermal enamel of different colors and different, through which it can
implement many of the designs and shapes modern and innovative.
Where the material of thermal enamel (tin enamel) has the ability to resist high temperature,
humidity, dust and water, which are factors that lead to the phenomenon of erosion and
erosion of the facades of coastal architecture.
Thus avoiding the occurrence of this problem and improve the public taste and the
appearance of civilization .


Main Subjects

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ج- المواقع الالکترونیة :