The development of designs derived from Islamic art to enrich the aesthetic aspect of furniture fabrics



College of Designs and Home Economics - Taif University


Islamic art is one of the oldest arts, but it is the basis of all the arts, which illustrates the
civilization and its different arts. This art also worked to highlight beauty and to show it in
all its details, lines, decorations, writing and Quranic verses, distinguishing features from the
arts and civilizations in terms of decorations and inscriptions containing them Islamic
designs and the beauty and harmony between the coordination of repetition of the various
decorative units and therefore the art of Islam has a great impact on the inspiration of artists
for the quote and innovation and innovation in the field of design in general and from here
The idea of research, which is clear through the following question, which is the extent of
the possibility of quoting creative and innovative designs of the aesthetics of Islamic art can
be implemented on fabrics furnishings? The research aims to prepare proposals for different
designs that show the aesthetic values of Islamic motifs. The research also shows that there
are statistically significant differences between the average assessment of arbitrators in
achieving the creative aspect in the proposed designs. The most important results of the
research are that Islamic art plays an active role in enriching the aesthetic values of furniture
fabrics. This was done by evaluating the proposed designs by the arbitrators, which obtained
percentages ranging from 90 to 97% quality factor, which proves the success of the proposed
designs. The main recommendations of the research were the necessity of using Islamic art
and its aesthetics and employing it in the field of Design in general.


Main Subjects

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16460.html- Sunday, January 7 at 11 am
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