The impact of ancient Egyptian sculpture on the design thought of the contemporary sculptor Vladimir Tsivin



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


This paper deals with introduction to the art of ancient Egyptian sculpture where the features and advantages and types then study analytical comparison to the work of contemporary Russian sculptor (Vladimir T. Seven), one of the mid-twentieth century, was born and which appeared in his works influenced obviously acting ancient Egyptian sculpture, the researcher subjecting a selective models of business sculptor the description and analysis of the technically comparable with some of the ancient Egyptian sculptures, which found that the researcher has practicing strong influence on the work of the artist Vladimir T. ships.
Statement of the problem:
Can formulate a research problem for questions: • What are the features and elements of art The plastic special for ancient Egyptian sculpture? • What is the impact of ancient Egyptian sculpture works of sculptor Vladimir?
Objective of the study:
The research aims to: • Identify technical features and distinctive The plastic ancient Egyptian sculpture elements. • Identify the impact of ancient Egyptian sculpture works of sculptor Vladimir.
The importance of research:
• emphasizes the importance of Egypt and its impact on Western societies Heritage • enrich the Arab library Reference scientific benefit of students of art history
The results of research:
The researcher subjecting a selective models of the work of the sculptor description and analysis of the technically comparable with some of the sculptures and ancient Egyptian, which found that the researcher

Main Subjects

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