Techniques for the design and implementation of some women's clothes by using ties without sewing



Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University  


Designing style on models is considered a technical manner that it helps for imagining the percentages of the design and it's details and the material represents one of the main elements in making clothes. It is direct the intelligent thinking of the designer to be able to uses it correctly. Choosing the cloth is considered one of the main elements for the success of the design. So the researcher depends on gersy clothes that is flexible and set the body without making narrowing steps and it's ends don't need any sewing after cutting. Some designs for woman wears have been designed through wrapping the cloth around the models then tying its ends with each other or through using some helps in carrying out the piece. This is without using the sewing machine with clearing the matter of making the model flat and simple.
The problem of the research is summarized in the following questions:
1- What is the ability of designing and carrying out some women clothes depending on ties only not sewing?
2- What is the ability of using some help supplements in making the produced pieces?
The research aims at;
- Designing and making woman clothes depends on ties only without using sewing machines and preparing simple patterns of the pieces.
The research's importance insures achieving utilitarian and aesthetic values during the pieces of clothes by a simple manner and getting a simple pattern.
- Taking a part in the society service by presenting low costs clothes with aesthetic values by canceling the sewing process.
The most important result of the research is getting clothes with aesthetic values depends on using ties only without using the sewing machine and also making a simple pattern of it.


Main Subjects

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