The architectural feature for the civilized coordination of private residence areas in Kuwait



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University  


National identity consists of features and common characteristic of a nation or a community, in which differs a particular one country from the other. The address research's aim examines a single feature which is the architectural feature of the coordination of civilization. It is acclaimed to the elements of the rhythm, scale and proportion with an emphasis on the requirements of contemporary life. Furthermore, studies the shape, direction and size in windows and balconies. The research Inspects consistency and harmony, between the different adjacent building's materials, color and texture.
Field visit to some of private residence areas in Kuwait showed the contradictions and dissonance between the architectural features of neighboring buildings. The researcher analyzed the common positive architectural elements which linked to the above features to get the outlines of the characteristic appearance of private residence in Kuwait. That features with the coordination of concerned authorities can be the access to contemporary urban Kuwaiti identity.

Main Subjects

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المواقع الالکترونیة:
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