The effectiveness of a guidebook to educate women working at the University of Najran about choosing her clothes



Faculty of Fine Arts, Yarmouk University, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan College of Education, University of Najran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabi


Clothes are key to an individual's personality and believe the evidence and show the importance of clothing in its impact on the lives of individuals. Which might reflect on their personalities and their work and their relationship with others and from here importance of research came in as contribute to the development Awareness of clothes among working women as part of the general culture in response to recent trends, which calls for the development of awareness clothes And research mainly aims to identify patterns of clothes and disclosure of some of the important factors that help working on the choice of her clothes and how to take care of it and through the research tools and is the handbook proposal and achievement test women where researchers used the descriptive approach and experimental approach Where they are proportionate and type of study and the research found that the general level of awareness of women working at the Najran university to choose her clothes least somewhat sufficiently great to test the degree of which is 85% and that there are statistically significant differences between the averages of the women of the experimental group grades in the two applications tribal and dimensional test in favor of the dimensional application also recommended search hold seminars to raise awareness of clothes and discuss the concepts of the process of taste of clothes and foundations choose the right clothes for the individual and the expansion of the special studies, awareness of clothes

Main Subjects

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