Activating the role of industrial design departments at Faculties of Applied Arts in the environmental preservation by stimulating student participation through the collection and sorting of waste the school day for students of universities and reuse for their .needs in form of new products



College of Applied Arts - Benha University


Solid waste problems has prevailed in the Egyptian society and the accumulation of large amounts of them in different parts of the cities, and with the growing interest of the state to resolve the problem that results in a number of negative effects on both human health and the rise and sort the waste transport costs. Departments of industrial design have role in trying to resolve this problem and that the waste resulting from the Egyptian university students range during the school day in two basic axis : (1) the collection and sorting for the waste through an interactive design work on the contribution of all members of the university community in that process , 2. optimum utilization of the waste through the implementation of simple products can be marketed, in order to stimulate the participation of students and make them one of the main pillars in solving the problem.

Main Subjects

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