Abstract in ancient Egyptian art for the papayrus and lotus plant as source for inspiring the printing design of the women's


Instructor in the Department of Fashion, majoring in textile printing, printing and processing, at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts - the sixth of October


Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - DamiettaUniv. - Egypt
The rich and continuous tradition of Egypt and characteristics, seems to be an appearance of
looking forward to the immarence and individuality and a building to design a memorized
and unique character comes from its civilized environment with through and emotion of the
ancient Egyptian artist.
The ancient Egyptian artist draw all the plants that existed in his desert and agricultural
environment. So that the lotus flower and the papayrus plant take characterized place in the
field the plant decoration. The problem of the research can be simplified in to the lack of the
Egyptian market for producing print. Design of the women's clothes that looking for ward to
immanence, individuality and emotion of the recent Egyptian designer, and to sure of getting
benefit of the though and emotion of the ancient Egyptian artist from his civilized
environment and looking forward to immanence and individuality.
And the research goals to create artistic studies inspired from the artistic and aesthetic values
for abstract in the papyrus plant and lotus flower , to produce a printing design samples for
the women's clothes that confirm how to get benefit of the characterized character for the
ancient Egyptian artist and that achieves reaching cross between the designer and the ready to
wear factories, printing, dipping and the consumer this research depends on the historical
method through following the abstract to the pepayrus plant and lotus flower since (the
ancient country age – the middle country – the recent country)
And the practical analytical descriptive method in describing and analyzing the studies from
the papayrus plant and lotus flower to reach the practical artistic goal of the research.
And from the results of the research the applied practicing of the design proved that the
Egyptian character that memorized the ancient Egyptian man make from its artistic style what
memorize the recent designer and proved the ability of getting benefit from the artistic and
aesthetic value of the papayrus plant and lotus flower in creating designs that helps in
reaching the cross between the designer. And the textile factories, printing, dipping, and
ready to wear clothes and consumer.

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