The Fine Formulations of "Gazbia Sirry's "Art as a Source of Design and Production of Glass Ornaments


Lecturer, Department of Glass, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt


There was a Seized control of several formulations of intellectual and emotional feeling national
sense in Egypt played an important role in highlighting the Egyptian art since the beginning of
the last century, which is the actual beginning in the history of contemporary Egyptian Art
,Where Prince Youssef Kamal founded the School of Fine Arts in 1908, and began the role of
Fine Artists in effect in the movement to fight the likes of pioneers: (Mahmoud Saeed Ragheb
Ayad - Mohammed Naji (founded fiction group followed after that a lot of groups and access to
contemporary and modern arts groups in Egypt which consisted of artists also have big role in
the formation of contemporary Egyptian Movement them: Jamal Alsgeni- Abdul Hadi Elgazar
- Gazbia Sirry and other artists.

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