Highlighting the severity of the aesthetics of natural leather formed on the mannequin



Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University


Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta Univ. Egypt
(ISSN 2537-1061) (Print)
(ISSN 2537-107X) (Online)
There is no doubt that the raw materials are the tools of the designer who is volunteering in the design and formation on the mannequin to construct the composition of his creative work successfully, which depends to a great extent on the designer's sense of material quality and his ability to employ them in accordance with their aesthetic and performance characteristics materials.
The leather raw materials are the raw materials that have developed and expanded in their production, whether natural or industrial, which made the designers use them in the design of designs similar to the designs produced from woven fabrics.
The study was conducted with the aim of:
- Access to an innovative leather product through the use of makeup on the mannequin and the style of coloring and shadows to enrich the leather clothes meet the modern requirements of the consumer.
- Increasing the awareness of the existing leather clothing industry in order to improve the product and increase consumer demand.
- Creating new jobs through the development of small enterprises.
The research followed the descriptive approach with the application, in order to suit this research and achieve the objectives
The study included a questionnaire and a statistical analysis to measure several axes of the proposed designs. It was proposed (15) and then implemented (4) designs with the highest ratios after presenting them to a group of specialists to express their opinion to verify the research objectives.
Results of the study: The study reached the possibility of highlighting the aesthetic value of the natural skin on the mannequin using its decoration in the style of coloring and shadows
The study recommends:
1- Increasing the attention to the plastic handicrafts of all kinds to make use of them in the field of clothing in general and design and molding on the mannequin in particular.
2 - The search for new non-woven materials for the possibility of adaptation to form on the mannequin.

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