Use of Paper Tubes Structures in Temporary Architectural Applications.. A Predictive Reading about the Future of Lightweight buildings



Faculty of Applied Arts .. Helwan University


 There are rapid developments in the creating, processing and recycling of construction
materials and techniques. And because they constitute the core of engineering
applications, the awareness of the latest development of these materials and
applications, constitute the indispensable need for metal buildings designer. For
example: the use of a paper tubes structures in many experimental applications, that
characterized by: economies of fabrication and construction, reduce assembly and
operating Energy, use of environmentally friendly technologies, provide healthy
environments both internally and externally, high degree of flexibility in the
operations of construction, demolition and recycling.
 Therefore, the problem of research stems from the need to provide innovative and
reliable material alternatives for lightweight building applications, in order to uphold
the principles of environmental sustainability and economics of construction. That
problem including the following questions: Is there a point in the use of paper tubes as
structural components in temporary atchitectural application? What are the structural
factors that affect the efficiency of those components? How to take advantage of thire
constructive characteristics in achieving requirements of environmental
sustainability? And, Will there be repercussions on the future of the lightweight
buildings? Accordingly, the main aim of the research is based on: Study the
possibility of Using Paper Tubes Structures in some Temporary Applications and a
predictive reading about the Future of Lightweight Buildings. This aim wil be
achieved according to Inference analytic methodology that contains three topics. 1st
The use of paper tube structures in the construction, 2ed Analytical study on the
structural properties and environmental impacts for the use of paper tubes and 3ed
predictive reading about the future of use paper in lightweight structures.

Main Subjects

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) الدورق ضدرورة ملحّدة الیدوم قبدل غددا، فبرایدر 2٠12