The Printed Furnishings between the Philosophical Construction of Environmental Art and its Aesthetic Values


1 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Professor of Textile Printing Design and Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies And research at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Beni Suef University

3 Lecturer, Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


Environmental art came on the basis of renewal and launching towards broad horizons that pushed artists to work according to the roar of change that swept the world. "If we find the artist working on the environmental data that are based on the existence of something even if it is abandoned furniture, an old car, or shining a light on a mountain, it is considered Self-expression, the art work becomes a part of the remnants of something that has an independent existence, so the artist, when he combines what is there, provides a material model in which the spirit of style, the environment and the spirit of life meet with a departure from what is called frame painting. Design in general Hence the idea of research, which is evident through the possibility of creating designs that show the artistic values of environmental art.                                                                                                                 


Main Subjects

المراجع و المصادر:-
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6- محمود أمهز :"الفن التشکیلى المعاصر"، دار طباعة دار المثلث للتصمیم والطباعة والنشر والتصویر،بیروت ,1981 
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المراجع الأجنبیة:
*: ریتشارد لونج هو مصور ونحات ورسام، من المملکة المتحدة ولد فی بریسبتول ،عضو الاکادیمیة الملکیة للفنون.