The effectiveness of a training program to develop the skill of free drawing for talented students using perspective

Document Type : Design and Technology


Assistant Professor - Department of Home Economics - College of Education - Najran University


The research deals with training talented students in the art of drawing to equip them with skills aimed at making changes in order to develop their performance in the art of free drawing. The research aims to design a training program to develop technical skills and improve the performance of students who have the gift of free drawing and provide them with knowledge and experience using the perspective, as the perspective aims to perfect drawing methods based on visual facts to maintain proportions as well as to achieve the element of display (shadow and light) so that the general form of artistic work appears. Richer and shinier. The tools were prepared and their validity and reliability were confirmed, and the results of the research confirm the acceptance of the research hypotheses, which state that there are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the students in the skill application before and after the training in favor of the post-test, the program’s effectiveness in developing students ’skills in free drawing using the perspective.


Main Subjects

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