The Functional Flexibility of Dynamic Walls in Different Spaces


1 Professor of Design Fundamentals and Head of the Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Assistant Professor Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Teaching Assistant Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University


The modern era has witnessed a great development in technology and Human Thought where needs are constantly changing, resulting in many advances in interior architecture. Many design trends have emerged that sought to meet human requirements, where the interior designer has created design standards with new creative visions within an integrated system, including dynamic design. The dynamic design aims to provide integrated solutions to many design problems in spaces. Dynamic has also turned to interactive design where the communication between the user and the computer is direct or indirect. The technology of digital control machines has been used to reach advanced patterns in dynamic walls that work to reach aesthetic and functional values within different spaces.
This study discussed the concept of the design dynamic and involved multi-purpose design as well as interactive design. The concept of dynamic interior design can be applied by studying the patterns of dynamic walls, including traditional and modern dynamic walls. Traditional dynamic walls included mobile and movable partitions, and modern dynamic walls included smart dynamic walls and interactive dynamic walls. This study focused on the mechanisms of applying wall dynamics and achieving design flexibility and functional efficiency as well as optimizing space utilization


Main Subjects

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