The possibility of obtaining decorative stitches by hand knitting loom to serve small projects.


1 Master's researcher at the Faculty of Home Economics - Department of Clothing and Textiles, Al-Azhar University

2 Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University, Emeritus Professor, Department of Clothing and Textiles

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University


Small projects contribute in the economic development greatly and effectively as they are considered a source for youth employment in order to gain income and reduce poverty. The number of small projects has increased dramatically in Egypt and it is  representing a great force in achieving economic development, as a large number of individuals work in it, because they do not need large capital or complex technologies, due to the fact that its specialization is in a specific field and can be controlled easily.
Hand knitting is one of the arts practiced by man, and its shapes have kept pace with fashion lines for a long time, and it is one of the handicrafts that can be learned and mastered quickly and through which it can establish small projects which can generate profit for the family. But it is noticeable that there is a lack concerning the production of manual knitting by means of the two needles, because it may cause Some pains in the shoulder and arms during the work. Recently, manual looms have spread through which knitting stitches can be made and innovated in less time and effort than using the two needles. For that reason, the research aimed to use hand knitting looms to obtain decorative knitting stitches that serve small projects. The search has followed the experimental methodology and analytical method, where 10 decorative samples were made, derived from the basic knitting stitches. The samples were overviewed by a group of arbitrators. The results were high statistical significance to achieve the research hypotheses and indicating the possibility of using manual knitting looms in obtaining decorative stitches to serve the small projects.
The Researchers recommend to proceed more studying concerning producing the Knitwear on hand knitting loom, as well as holding training courses for the fresh graduates and housewives to set up small projects that depend on the production of hand knitting by using looms.


Main Subjects

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