Sustainable Development is a Way to Revive the Art of Marquetry Recycling the Remnants of Veneer Left Over from the Furniture Manufacturing Places in Damietta (Practical Experience)


Lecturer, Department of Decoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


Sustainable development aims to develop cities, communities, as well as businesses, provided that they meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The world faces the danger of environmental deterioration that must be overcome without abandoning the needs of economic development. In this context, this research focused on reviving the art of marquetry by using waste wood veneer, as it is a kind of environmental recycling, where the artist uses pieces of wood veneer that are disposed of. Through traditional industries, the manufacture of furniture, which characterizes Damietta Governorate)..
Therefore, the topic of the work referred to includes: "The technique of inlaying with the recycling of wood veneer and its use in interior design". The goal is to show the importance of inlay technique as an art, and to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the environment through the use of reused materials that are often overlooked by industries, but still of great value to the artist.
In order to achieve the desired goal of the research, direct contact was made with the groups concerned with the study and the study of how to take advantage of neglected elements and employ them creatively.
For more clarification on that experience, this research was divided into three axes distributed as follows: The first axis reflects the role of the art of marquetry as one of the most important ways to take a position on environmental issues. The second axis talks about the use of marquetry in interior design (wall hangings and claddings).. The third axis deals with an applied experience of some of the works carried out from recycling leftover wood veneer.


Main Subjects

  • يمنى جمال الدين السيد الجحر،حاتم محمد فتحى السيد إدريس، أحمد إسماعيل عواد،دور علم الإدارة في حل بعض مشكلات المنشآت الصناعية المختصة بصناعة الأثاث في دمياط" دراسة حالة لأحد مصانع الأثاث بدمياط، مجلة العلوم والفنون التطبيقية ،المجلد8، العدد 1، سنه 2021
  • ياسر على معبد ، أحمد اسماعيل عواد ،عبير عز الدين مراد، دراسة تحليلية لإحدى نماذج إعادة استخدام حاويات الشحن في العمارة والتصميم الداخلي، مجلة العلوم والفنون التطبيقية،المجلد6، العدد2، سنه 2019
  • فوزي محمد على عقيل، عبد السلام محمد سوف الجين، التدوير وإعادة استخدام المواد نحو بيئة مبنية نظيفة، المؤتمر الثاني لنقابة المهن الهندسية بالزاوية،2019.
  • سعيد حسن،علا محمد سمير،هاله محسن السيد،مفهوم التطور في تصميم الأثاث،مجلة العمارة والفنون،العدد 12،الجزء الأول،سنة 2018
  • فاتن باشا، فوزية برسولي، إعادة التدوير كأحد اتجاهات الاقتصاد الأخضر،مجلة البحوث القانونية والاقتصادية ،2018
  • امل عوض، استخدام منظومة إعادة التدوير في ابتكار تصميمات داخلية جديدة صديقة للبيئة،2012
  • عبد الرحمن محمد الحسن،التنمية المستدامة ومتطلبات تحقيقها، ملتقى استراتيجية الحكومة في القضاء على البطالة وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة،2011

المراجع  الأجنبية:

  • Henrique fernandes, jannik summa,Julie daudre,and others, characterization of ancient marquetry using different non destructive testing techniques,applied science mdpi,2021, https://
  • Patricia T. Vega Gutierrez and Seri C. Robinson, Determining the Presence of Spalted Wood in Spanish Marquetry Woodworks of the 1500s through the 1800s,mdpi,2017.
  • Suzana radivojevic, nina oisson, aimee spencer gorham's wood marquetry of the pacific northwest,2017
  • Elena Jover Casanovas, Can laser cutting be an alternative technique for marquetry completion in furniture conservation, Carl Malmsten - Furniture Studies,2011
  • Fine wood working on marquetry and veneer ,the taunton press,2015.
  • Donald c.williams, michele pietryka,philippe lafargue, Andre Jacob roubo,to make as perfectly as possible roubo on marquetry,lost art press,2013