Benefiting from Patchwork Style and Caucasian Carpets in Designing Carpets that Fit the Era


1 Teaching Assistant, Department of Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor and Head of the Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, and former Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Spinning, Weaving and Knitting, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, and assigned to do the work of Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Damanhour University


Carpets have become an essential part of contemporary home furnishings, a major part of the decoration of offices and stores, and an important way to beautify the floors and change their shape in line with the furniture used around them. With the progress and the emergence of contemporary furniture and its spread; New designs of carpets have also come to existence which called Modern carpets, which are contemporary designs that are often abstract and simple. From here, a big difference between contemporary designs and classic designs have appeared.
With the development of textile design programs and technology, there was an opportunity to produce designs that keep pace with the times and meet the needs and tastes of consumers, so this research was directed to combine originality and modernity in the designs Produced in the research.
As well as benefiting from a common patchwork style, this method was developed to be used in the same carpet by making design to appear as patched from different pieces of different carpets.
Motifs of Caucasian carpets were used to give a historical and aesthetic aspect to the carpets of this type and to combine those motifs with modern ones. Where a group of designs was made in the style of patchwork design, questionnaires were made for these designs and sent to design professors, industrialists and trade men in the field of carpets to fill, the best designs were identified and chosen, and the implementation was carried out in the method of mechanical face-to-face carpets.


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    • هيثم عبد الدايم محمود احمد: استحداث اساليب مبتكرة لتصميم الاقمشة باستخدام اليات التراكيب النسجية – رسالة دكتوراه - كلية الفنون التطبيقية – جامعة حلوان – 2014

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