Quranic Texts as an Inspiration For 3D Sculpture. "The Tale of the Prisoners Modeled"


Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Department of Sculpture, Artistic Formation and Restoration - Damietta University


Quranic scripture serves as a primary source for numerous stories which contains details and events that evoke and inspire the imagination of the designer. As the Creator corroborates that Quranic stories are ideal thought pieces, one can deeply research, explore, and contemplate the specifics of Yousef A.S’s tale to produce innovative three dimensional sculptures. Moreover, it is imperative that the main thesis of the research highlights the concept and typology of the original text, as well as draw inspiration and lexical analyses. This is done in order to achieve an appropriate integration of artistic elements which fulfill the basic requirements of sculptural design. Ultimately, this produces successful pieces that tackle common issues pertaining to practical design such as treatment of masses and holes
The importance of the research lies in opening new horizons for sources of inspiration and ideas to present three-dimensional sculptural works through the Qur’anic stories rich in events and varying in times and rich in elements , which enrich the imagination of the sculptor designer to develop innovative designs that carry various ideas..
This research also surveys methodology which facilitates drawing inspiration from one of the Quranic tales, spanning over its entire length. It commences at textual reading and inspection, then implementing its conceptual ideas into an early-stage outline for development through examining the mass and its dimensions. Ultimately, this facilitates the processes of moulding and pouring to give birth to the final results


Main Subjects

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