Sustainability is an Inherent Civilizational Legacy in Heritage Homes


1 Lecturer in the Interior Design Department College of Engineering - University of Bahrain

2 Professor of Furniture Design, Department of Interior and Furniture Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

3 Professor of Design Theories, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


During the 90s, in developed industrial countries, the concept of sustainable architecture had a huge outbreak in the industrial sectors of construction. However, the roots of this concept can be traced back to the urban heritage of earlier years. As local architecture in earlier years of old Cairo achieved economic-environmental benefits. Using the what was available at the time such as land and local building materials were found to have high efficiency and provided intelligent environmental treatments; therefore, contributing to the concept of sustainable architecture during that period. It also was able to create environmental compatibility between buildings and the surrounding environment, taking into account the needs of the users. The models of architecture vary and change as times change, and lifestyles at home progress as the world evolves, but the value of the house remains unchanged. 
Since we have the great familiarity with our houses, we are preparing their existence as a collectible and a given, they are always there waiting for us when we need to return to them. Moreover, modern life almost distracted us from some of the value in our homes, given the journeys, works, and attractions in our modern life far.  The pandemic (Corona pandemic) that swept the whole world. Since the first weeks of 2020, most of the world's population has retreated to their homes, voluntarily or forcibly, to protect themselves from the corona epidemic. It resulted in confusion among the streets of capitals and cities, closing most duty stations, offices, and shops, abandoning entertainment venues, but houses have been as vibrant as ever. This pandemic took weeks and months to foster the hustle and bustle of families whose members have come together without interruption to show the value and importance of homes to their residents.

Main Subjects

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    ثانيا – المراجع الأجنبية:

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